Centralization of an economic activity in a given area always translate to population increase in that area. This attributed by urbanization. The increase in population also translates to depletion of the resources. Dunga community for instance has been a fishing zone, with well established beach management unit. In the past fishermen had good catch and could afford better lives. Women who trade fish had steady and stable supply of fish to sell. The population influx has lead to over-fishing. This has made it hard for women selling fish to get fish to sell. This situation has made women and girls vulnerable for sexual exploitation. Since Dunga is a small community, WGV has set up a demonstration urban farm that women can adopt in their small yards in order to get alternative source of income. We offer training and mentorship on how to set up urban farms with the limited spaces of land available. Women who do have land are allowed to use our demonstration farm and get to take the harvests. Our crops are organically produced which means lower exposure to toxic materials that may degrade the environment or affect human and animal health.